Joomla 3.5 Templates by FatCow Complaints



giving partner  One of the most important things you can do as a partner is to pray for those serving at SOAR.
giving checks 
Make checks payable to SOAR and include in the memo line: Preferenced for: (Name)
    If using your bank’s online bill pay option for a recurring payment: use (First Initial Last Name), when prompted for an account number.
    Please mail checks to:
       4460 Airport Drive Bolivar, MO 65613
giving other  Contact SOAR for details about the following options:
    ACH (Automated Clearing House) Payments in lieu of Credit/Debit transactions
    IRA RMDs (Required Minimum Distributions) as Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
    Charitable Stock, Bonds or Mutual Fund Donations
giving paypal 
Credit or debit card gifts can be sent through PayPal.
    via SOAR's website:
    Select the Donate button below

    via your PayPal account:
    Send to partners
    Indicate "Preferenced for: (Name)"