Joomla 3.5 Templates by FatCow Complaints

FAA Private PilotFrom time-to-time, as there is demand, SOAR offers Private Pilot Ground School, typically on Thursday nights. Currently the instructors teaching ground school use ASA's Private Pilot Test Prep material. Please let us know if you are interested in attending a future ground school class either for the first time or for a refresher to get you back in the swing of things. 

LearnToFlyHereSOAR has a number of freelance instructors who work out of the Bolivar Municipal Airport. These instructors bring a wide variety of training skills to the table allowing pilots of any level to get the required training from student pilot through ATP. Combined with SOAR's various aircraft (from a Cessna 172 for primary training through a Piper Arrow for commercial and instructor training) SOAR has become a go-to location for pilot training.


Flight Training


SOAR is working hard to revitalize general aviation at the Bolivar Municipal Airport and throughout Southwest Missouri. We are involved in a number of activities to help encourage student pilots, former pilots, and others who are interested in aviation to get plugged in somewhere. In addition to normal private pilot training, SOAR works to help pilots of all levels and experience continue their training.

SOAR also takes an active interest in area youth by working with various organizations to introduce youth to the exciting world of aviation. Whether it is working with a local Scout troop, church groups, or working with local EAA pilots to help put on a Young Eagles Rally.